2, back and forth (形容詞)
1. Backward and forward; to and fro.
2. From side to side.
有時候這類的事,可能我們會台式的說:" I did this many times. "
或者你可能會說" I try this way and that way."
如果你是強調,同一件事,喬來喬去,來來回回,這樣那樣,你就可以說:" I did this back and forth."
有些家長把孩子送到雙語學校,自己也常練英文,不過如果只擅用單字,比如要孩子不要跑,slow, slow的喊,或者催促快點fast, hurry~~孩子也跟著學到錯誤的英文.
慢點 Slow down.
快點 Hurry up.
小心點 Watch out.
不可以 No way.
你可以 You may.
午睡 Take a nap.
沒時間了 Getting late.
她好兇 She is so mean.
他為何那麼無禮 Why is he being rude to me.
You did good.
Good job.
You did your best.
4, 排隊的說法
美國社會族裔雖多,但是在這裡有一個意識形態上的秩序,在這裡大家都有順序觀念. 人多時會排隊,人少時,不一定會排隊, 但 也 會 有 一 個 先 來 後 到 的 秩 序 .
即使你很清楚,有一組人在你之前比你早到,而可能服務人員搞錯而先招待你,也最好誠實: "我想他們是比我先到的."
排好(作動詞用叫大家排隊排好.) Line up.
請問這裡是排隊嗎? Is this the line?
請排隊 Please wait in line.
你是隊伍內最後一位嗎? Is this the end of the line?
到哪裡排隊? Where is the line?
5, 按摩的說法
"按摩"這個字很敏感,只說Massage不小心會被誤用,最好加一個 therapy (治療) 做一個清楚的導向.
按摩治療= massage therapy.
按摩治療師= massage therapist.
臉部按摩= facial massage.
腳底按摩= foot massage.
Judy is a very good massage therapist.
6, 電視聲音關小一些怎麼說?
Please turn down the volume of TV.
Turn the sound down/up.
7, 要把這文件繳回去怎麼說?
Turn in this paper.
把文件繳回去某處, 都用 Turn in...如: 今天要把一些退租文件繳給管理室: 我要turn in 這些文件.
8, 常用話
你很機車= you are very sarcastic.
雞同鴨講= we are not on the same page.
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